Science Fair 4

On Tuesday, March 5, three students from Montgomery County Middle School competed in the

Missouri Regional Science Fair for the Northeast Region at Central Methodist University in

Fayette, MO. There were two separate fairs that the contestants could compete in, the morning

portion was the Missouri Junior Academy of Scientists(MJAS) that consisted of writing a

scientific paper and then a PowerPoint or Google slides presentation. The afternoon portion was

the ISEF competition that consisted of poster judging without the student followed by live

judging where the judges ask the young scientists about their projects. Neither fair separated the

contestants by grade, instead middle students competed against each other and high school

students competed against each other.

In the ISEF competition, Avery Finke with her poster about magnets won fourth place in the

Physics category. Julia Elder with her poster about sunscreen won third place in the Chemistry

category. Aurora Gibson with her poster about popcorn won second place in the Chemistry


Both Julia and Aurora gave wonderful presentations and were able to answer some tough

questions in the MJAS fair. Julia Elder was one of 6 middle school students selected to move on

to the state MJAS competition at Missouri Western State University in April.

Science Fair 3